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Ferry is a speaker that makes you hang onto every word as a listener. After surviving the Bataclan attack on November 13, 2015 in Paris, Ferry started giving talks all over the world. The lessons he learned after this horrific drama turn out to be universal. You don't have to survive an attack to understand that you are responsible for your own happiness. That connecting rather than excluding is the key to achieving that. Ferry actually befriended the family of one of the terrorists who was trying to kill Ferry and his friends.
It just magnificent how you have shaped your life after that horrible experience. You have literally turned it into a life experience where you try to help others in their lives. That is a power that is unprecedented! You have become an inspiration and thus the opposite of the poison that the terrorists have wanted to spread in our society. I feel deeply honored that I was able to interview you so shortly after the incident in Paris, despite the sad background, it is a pleasure to see your growth and further development from the sidelines.
Ferry is not a superstitious person, but Friday, the 13th of November 2015, is a very dark day for him. A day that, in the end, brought more light than ever into his life. Ferry was there, at the 2015 attack on the Bataclan theater in Paris, where 89 people were killed. He eventually learned how to take back control, connect, and is now more resilient than he ever dared to dream.
Be inspired by a story about connecting, resilience and gratitude.